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Want to know the top books for black women that you should have in your collection? This is the ultimate list of 11 books that you should get a bookmark for and start reading today.
Reading the right books is like unlocking a treasure trove of information. And finding the right book that speaks to me as a Black woman, is like winning the lottery.
Now, I myself am a super fan of non-fiction, because these are the books, I feel like I can learn from and take action on immediately. So get prepared to have the same literary luxury.
This list of books for Black women is going to inspire you, make you completely shift your mindset on life, help you be a better mother, daughter, wife, auntie, friend, and even make you more money. As a Black woman, I swear by the books on this list.
This post is all about the must-have books for Black women
Best Books for Black Women
1. Best of Empowering Books

Feeling and being empowered is critical for Black women. Appreciating to use the words “no” and “yes” is a big part the empowerment journey.
In this book by Grey’s Anatomy creator and black female author, Shonda Rhimes, you have no choice but to feel empowered.
Among books for Black women, Year of Yes is a staple on my bookshelf, especially if you identify with being an introverted Black woman. You want Shonda’s book as a lesson in breaking free and taking control of who you are.
2. Best of Self-Help Books

Mindset is everything. So literally knowing how to control your mind, and even better, create a new one that allows you to accomplish anything you see for yourself, that’s what this book is all about.
Dr., Joe Dispenza is world-renowned for his work in quantum sciences and the effect on the brain. This is one book that I keep close on my bookshelf and have recommended to clients to transform the way they view everything and have business and life success.
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself is among the non-negotiable books for Black women, to get your head into any game.
3. Top Pick in Motivational Books for Black Women

This author’s friends call her “Mignyonce.” Enough said.
If you ever had dreams that were bigger than you but didn’t see a pathway to getting to them because of your current reality, this book by black female author, Mignon Francois is likely just what you need.
I was impressed watching her story on a YouTube video about beating the odds and starting her Cupcake Collection business with $5 and growing it to a $ 10 million empire with no debt.
The themes of already having all that you need right now to get where you want to go are embedded in Made from Scratch, so if you’re ready to make moves, add this one to your collection.

4. Top Pick in Black Mom Books

Wait. The Black mom books category pick is written by and about a man? Yes, it is. So this book, Diary of a Stay-at-Home Dad made this list, because the role we often take as a Black mom, can be found in Black dads, too, and amazing things can happen when we’re open to that concept.
And it’s especially true as more and more Black women, either lead their households in earning or come together with their partner to take non-traditional role reversal and do what’s simply best for the family.
Full disclosure I was one of those moms, and this book is written by my husband, widely-known author, Darick Spears. As a Black mom, there are so many lessons in this book you will relate to no matter what side of the roles you were on.
There are also lessons of empathy that will change and drastically enhance the way you look at your own partner or potential partner in navigating a parenting journey so this book is a must-have. Use code BWGBookshelf for 10% off!
5. Top Pick In Overcoming Life Challenges

America’s first Black female Billionaire is in the house with this book. It’s so easy for us to look at our likes and judge the difficulties we’ve gone through, but hopefully, you’re not using them as an excuse.
Shelia Johnson, co-founder of BET goes in-depth in this book on her challenges in multiple areas of life and speaks to who she’s become at every step in the process.
Walk Through the Fire is definitely among the good books for Black women to grab. It will help keep your perspective about what you are going through or have been through in check, and valuable for your next move.
And if you want to dig into more on Shelia, check out this post: The First Black Billionaire Woman: The Core 2 Facets of Sheila Johnson
6. Best of Books on Money

If you’ve ever read the highly popular book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, this one is a sequel, and one that gets granular in helping you identify the what and where to get if of income streams pouring into your life.
This book was hard for me to put down, and a super easy read that will have you assessing your money and strategizing for more of it before the book is over. Robert Kiyoski makes understanding cash flow truly simple with his everyday examples.
Add Cashflow Quadrant to your book collection, if you want to really master money and have financial freedom.
7. Top Pick in Black Love Books

We all enjoy an escape from our own reality every once in a while. What better way to do it than with a little romance, and drama?
This book by Author C. Monet, is a guaranteed mental vacation. The author is an everything Black woman, and we know her well here at Black Woman Great as she’s active in making this entire content ecosystem you enjoy come to life.
The Devious Date will give you just the right indulgence of relationship intrigue, fantasy life exploration, and an escape from your own world right when you need it. Definitely put it on your list
8. Best of Productivity Books

If you have either wanted to be an early riser and haven’t figured it out yet or you are looking for more hours in the day this is the book.
As Black women, we’ve historically been great about giving others the time they need and not always the best but getting better at giving ourselves the time we need. The 5 AM Club brings light to how and why giving yourself the time, and in this case, at 5 a.m. is your golden opportunity.
Among books for Black women, this book made us want to book a trip to the beautiful island of Mauritius and get up at 5 AM to live my best life every day. If that’s intriguing grab the book, you won’t regret it.
9. Top Pick for Black Women Traveling Abroad
As Black women, we have been heading overseas in groves. Travel life and international travel life are absolutely amazing, but they can also add up fast. But the question is does it have to?
This book intrigued me, as someone who loves traveling abroad but isn’t in a position to commit to moving abroad just yet, and would rather have the flexibility to get up and go when I want to.
In International Travel Secrets Michael spills the tea on international travel on a budget, so you can have that “go where I want, when I want” life. Yes, yes, and yes…add it to your collection.
10. Best of Books on Nourishing Our Spirit

Almost anything by the fabulous Tabitha Brown could make this list, but when we’re talking about living out true joy happiness, and a well-fed spirit, this sits at the top of the list of books for Black women.
When we’re going about our daily grind and nourishing our physical selves, or the selves and spirit of others, sometimes we leave little room for our own internal nourishing.
That soul nourishing, and cup overflow that truly makes all are other interactions worthwhile.
In Feeding the Soul, Tabitha Brown takes us there, and in a way that feels warm and familiar like only Auntie Tab can. Place this one in your collection, the bright yellow cover alone will bring with it the sunshine and energy that pushes you forward.
11. Top Pick in Black Spiritual Books

Okay, if you’re anything like me, you live, work, and walk by faith. But sometimes keeping the faith is a challenge let’s be real. Or maybe you have yet to truly exercise the faith you have.
But if you ever needed just the right word, to reaffirm what you already know about God, and what faith will do this book is it
Reading Crazy Faith will take you on the faith-filled journey of Pastor Michael Todd, and everything that happens along the way will reveal principles that will leave you in the greatest of belief of God’s existence you have ever known.
Since we all have to have faith to execute those Black girl magic visions that may not be in our reality yet, this is a companion book you want to get to keep you strong and fired up every single step of the way.

This post was all about the best books for Black women to keep you empowered, and motivated, breaking down obstacles, and bringing to life limitless visions and boundless impact.
Read Next: 20 Affirmations for Black Women: An Unleashed Path to Self-Rising